July 29, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time: 200 Russian kb swings 53/35 150 squats 100 abmat sit-ups 50 calories rowing

July 25, 2020


Posted by jereme

***NEW*** Notice a few changes to the site. Most important is the “log in” button on the top of mobile…

July 22, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time DT 5 rounds of 12 deadlift 9 hang power clean 6 shoulder to overhead Rx(for our purposes) 95/65,…

July 20, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time 3 rounds 20 alternating reverse lunges 35/little red 15 hang kb snatch (per side) 35/little red 10 push…

July 17, 2020


Posted by jereme

Amrap 20 5 thrusters 95/65 10 pull-ups 15 cal rowing 20 burpees 25 kb swings 53/35 Thrusters: it’s been a…

July 14, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time 3 rounds 25 abmat sit-ups 20 wall ball 20/14 15 clean & jerk 95/65

July 7, 2020


Posted by jereme

EMOM 24 1: 12 alternating kb ground to overhead 53/35 2: 12 goblet squats 53/35 3: 20 sit-ups Just score…

July 4, 2020


Posted by jereme

Amrap 18 50 kb swings 53/35 50 abmat sit-ups 50 push ups 50 box over 24/20

July 1, 2020


Posted by jereme

For total time: EMOM 18 1: 10 burpees 2: 10/7 cal rowing 3: 5 power cleans rx 135/95. Then 3…

June 28, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time: 100 walking lunges with kb 35/little red 100 kb hang snatch (50/50 per side) divide however. 35/little red…