May 26, 2020


Posted by jereme

EMOM 24 1: 8 box overs 24/20 2: 12 goblet squats 53/35 3: 20 seconds max reps shoulder to overhead…

May 23, 2020


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 2020 calorie row20 Deadlift 135/9520 burpees Rx+ 185/135

May 20, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps of Kb swing 53/35 Squats Pushups

May 17, 2020


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 1 clean & jerk 95/65 10 sit-ups 2 clean & jerk 10 sit-ups …….. increase clean & jerk…

May 14, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time: 5 Rounds of: 15 ground to overhead 65/45 10 front squats 65/45 5 pull-ups Ground to overhead can…

May 11, 2020


Posted by jereme

WOD 600. Wow AMRAP 20 minutes12 calorie row12 burpees30 double unders / 75 jump rope There’s no where to hide…

May 8, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time: 4 rounds of 15 shoulder to overhead 95/65 20 kb swings 53/25 10 pull-ups Rest 2 minutes Score…

May 5, 2020


Posted by jereme

Amrap 20 20 deadlift 135/95 30 pushups 40 sit-ups Rx+ 185/135. Don’t even consider using either weight if you can’t…

May 2, 2020


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 10 per side kb hang snatch 35/little red 10 per side front rack split squat 35/little red 10…

April 29, 2020


Posted by jereme

For time 4 rounds of 20 ground to over head 65/45 25 squats (air squats) 30 sit-ups