September 9, 2019


Posted by jereme

EMOM 24 minutes Minute 1: row 12/10 calories Minute 2: 30 du or 70 jump rope Minute 3: 15 sit-ups…

September 5, 2019

wod 530

Posted by jereme

For time:3 rounds of: 30 push ups 40 alternating reverse lunges +35 lb kb 50 Russian KB swings 53/35 Post…

September 2, 2019

Wod 529

Posted by jereme

AMRAP 1215 s2oh 95/6530 du / 70 jump rope Shoulder to overhead: Make sure your head is through your elbows…

August 30, 2019


Posted by jereme

For time 50 Russian kb swings 53/35 20 burpees 50 (25/25 per side) kb hang snatch. 53/35 20 burpees 50…

August 28, 2019


Posted by jereme

Amrap 15 10 pull-ups 20 push-up 30 squats 40 sit-ups

August 22, 2019


Posted by jereme

For time: 100 kb swings 53/35 50 burpees

August 19, 2019


Posted by jereme

For time 21 deadlift 21 hang clean 15 deadlift 15 hang clean 9 deadlift 9 hang clean 100 sit-ups rx…

August 16, 2019


Posted by jereme

Emom 24 1: 50 du or 80 jump rope 2: 30 sit ups 3: 30 kb swings 53/35 4: 10…

August 12, 2019

523 blame Maxey

Posted by jereme

For time 75 plate ground to overhead (see explanation)45/25 50 burpees to the plate and over. 50 walking lunge plate…

August 9, 2019


Posted by jereme

EMOM 5row 12/9 caloriesEMOM 530 double unders or 70 JumpRopeEMOM 520 squatsAMRAP 5 row 12/9cal 30 du or 70 Jr…