August 6, 2019

wod 521

Posted by jereme

AMRAP 3 minBuy in: row 500mThen AMRAP KB swings 53/35 Rest 2 min AMRAP 3 minBuy in: row 500mThen AMRAP…

August 3, 2019


Posted by jereme

Countdown from 10 Kb Swing 53/35 Push up Goblet squat 53/35 Pull up Burpee So 10 reps of all. 9…

July 31, 2019


Posted by jereme

Rx Emom 30 1: 5 strict pull ups 2: 10 per side split squats w/53/35 3: 5 per side kb…

July 29, 2019


Posted by jereme

EMOM 20 1: 15 Russian kb swings 53/35 2: 15 squats 10 push ups Probably ouchie.

July 25, 2019


Posted by jereme

AMRAP 8 5 ground to overhead 95/65 5 burpees over the bar G2oh can be snatch or clean and jerk.…

July 22, 2019


Posted by jereme

For time: 200 squats 100 pushups 50 kb alternating ground to overhead. 53/35 25 pull ups. Kb ground to overhead…

July 19, 2019

Workout 515

Posted by jereme

As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes: 10 Deadlift 135/95 15 Kb swings 53/35 Scale…

July 16, 2019


Posted by jereme

For time: 10 rounds of 5 burpees 7 push ups 10 squats

July 13, 2019


Posted by jereme

EMOM 24 M1: Row 12/10 M2: 12 alternating reverse lunges +53/35 M3: 10 push ups: 5 strict pull ups. Rx+…

July 10, 2019


Posted by jereme

Part 1: AMRAP 15m 30 Double unders / 70 jump rope 15 KB swings 53/35 Part 2: EMOM 10 5…