July 6, 2023


5 rounds for time:
10 per side kb hang clean & jerk 53/35
20 abmat situps
20 push ups
20 air squats

Kb jerk comes from the front rack, not kb on the shoulder. These will get real heavy, real fast. If you struggle on the first round I strongly suggest you drop weight.

Push ups: I dunno man. This is by far the worst movement for everyone. Neutral stiff spine, elbows lock out. Don’t arch your back up/ bend at the hips, don’t break at the hips. Everything stays locked.

Squats: Go to or below parallel. Meaning the crease of the hips is below the top of the knees. Another issue I see constantly is not locking out. The hips lock out at the top as well as the knees.

July 3, 2023


AMRAP 20m 500m row 40 kb swings 53/35 30 box over 20″ 20 shoulder to overhead 65/45 10 pull ups Box over: both feet touch the top and both sides on the floor. Pull ups: Chin Over bar. Full elbow extension at the bottom. Shoulder to overhead: Elbows locked out at the top. Ears between […]

June 28, 2023


Emom 24 – edited. Auto correct got me 1: 15 abmat sit-up 2: 50 jump rope 3: 5 front squat – choose weight. If you find it slow, do 20 sit-up and 80 jump rope.

June 23, 2023


AMRAP 1530 hang clean & jerk 65/4530 burpees Pro tip: You’ll pass out before you die.

June 20, 2023


For time: 1000m row 100 box over 20” 100 kb swings 53/35 100 ab mat sit-up Box over: both feet touch the top and both sides.

June 15, 2023


AMRAP 12m30 kb hang snatch 35/little red (divide evenly between sides as you need)20 push ups15 abmat situps

June 12, 2023


6 Rounds for time: 10 clean & jerk 95/6515 calories rowing


August 31, 2019

My version of programming for CrossFit or similar

Posted by jereme

This is a view of my process or personal method for creating workout plans in three month blocks.  It’s not…

May 20, 2019

Terms, Acronyms, and some other things.Definitions

Posted by jereme

This page is dedicated to some of the terms we use that may not be common knowledge.  Please feel free…

May 20, 2019

Information – back online

Posted by jereme

-Just so you know; there will be broken links, stuff that doesn’t work, things that don’t look great. Let me…

May 19, 2019

How to Warm up

Posted by jereme

What is the best way to warm up?  So I am not creating warm ups any more.  This is for…