September 21, 2021


For time:

10 reps to 1

Kb ground to overhead/ alternating 53/35 PER SIDE

Push up

Goblet squat

Reps: -kb g2oh is 10 per side, meaning 20 total. Think reps per arm. So 10,9,8,7…..2,1 for each movement.

September 18, 2021


EMOM 30 Minute 1: 7 toes to bar Minute 2: 30 double under / 70 jump rope Minute 3: amrap 20 seconds clean & jerk 95/65 Score total clean & jerk reps. Toes to bar: hanging from pull up bar, either being strict, or using a kipping motion touch both toes to the bar. Scaling, […]

September 15, 2021


First, I’m floored by how many did the burpees. Seriously impressed and proud to work along side you. Amrap 10: 20/15 cal row 20 double unders or 40 jump rope 10 goblet squats 53/35

September 12, 2021

642 2 workouts.

2 wods. Wod 1: For time: 10 rounds 5 pull ups 10 kb swings 53/35 15 sit-ups Wod 2: not for the weak. 9/11 wod. For time: 343 burpees. No need to explain the number. Last time I did this it took 32 minutes.

September 9, 2021

641 pack prep

For time:150 alternating box step ups + 45lb weight vest. 20″ box**Every Minute on the minute: 5 push ups. Time cap: 30m -Push ups: chest touches(weight plates) touch the ground. The step ups alone should be 10 minutes if done unbroken. I have no idea how long this will actually take.

September 6, 2021


AMRAP 20m1 Burpee1 clean & jerk 135/95Increase reps by 1 rep each round. 1 each, 2 each, 3……… death. If 5 touch and go reps isn’t WELL within your toolbox, scale weight. This is a workout that I believe should be scaled by most. IF you choose wrong and the weight gets too heavy to […]

August 31, 2021

Maxey abandons ship

8 rounds for time 11 wallball shots 20/14 10’/9’ 12 box jumps 24/20 Cash out (only after the last round) 1979m rowing 8 full years service beginning 11(November) of 2012. Kinda old. Born 1979


August 31, 2019

My version of programming for CrossFit or similar

Posted by jereme

This is a view of my process or personal method for creating workout plans in three month blocks.  It’s not…

May 20, 2019

Terms, Acronyms, and some other things.Definitions

Posted by jereme

This page is dedicated to some of the terms we use that may not be common knowledge.  Please feel free…

May 20, 2019

Information – back online

Posted by jereme

-Just so you know; there will be broken links, stuff that doesn’t work, things that don’t look great. Let me…

May 19, 2019

How to Warm up

Posted by jereme

What is the best way to warm up?  So I am not creating warm ups any more.  This is for…