April 20, 2020


Amrap 15

20 clean & jerk 75/55

20 kb hang snatch 10/side 35

20 bb hang snatch

20 box jump overs. 24/20

Box overs: both feel must touch the top. Step if you must.

April 17, 2020


For time 100 sit-ups 25 pull-ups 100 squats (no weight) 25 shoulder to overhead 95/65 100 alternating reverse lunges (no weight) 25 calories rowing

April 15, 2020


Edit: forgot to hit publish last night. 3 rounds of: Amrap 1: Push-ups Rest 1m Amrap 1: Power clean 135/95 Rest 1m Amrap 1: Burpees Rest 1m Amrap 1: Kb swing 53/35 Rest 1. Score total reps.

April 11, 2020


Amrap 15 30 du / 70 jumprope 40 shoulder to over head 45 barbell 50 alternating reverse lunges 45# bar held however.

April 8, 2020


21 15 9 reps of Clean & jerk 95/65 Calories rowing So, that’s 21 clean & jerk 21 calories, 15 clean & jerk 15 calories, 9….. It’s a sprint. Should be around 5 minutes. I think. ** sub 5 would be pretty legit.

April 5, 2020


For time: 2 rounds of 30 hang snatch 95/65 60 sit-ups 90 squats

April 2, 2020


Amrap 18 30 du or 90 jump rope 12 cal rowing 15 burpees.


August 31, 2019

My version of programming for CrossFit or similar

Posted by jereme

This is a view of my process or personal method for creating workout plans in three month blocks.  It’s not…

May 20, 2019

Terms, Acronyms, and some other things.Definitions

Posted by jereme

This page is dedicated to some of the terms we use that may not be common knowledge.  Please feel free…

May 20, 2019

Information – back online

Posted by jereme

-Just so you know; there will be broken links, stuff that doesn’t work, things that don’t look great. Let me…

May 19, 2019

How to Warm up

Posted by jereme

What is the best way to warm up?  So I am not creating warm ups any more.  This is for…