October 3, 2019
1: row 12/9 cal
2: 20 sit-ups
3: 30 double under or 70 jump rope
September 30, 2019
For time: 50 wall ball 20/14 50 kb swings 53/35 50 push up 25 wall ball 25 kb swings 25 push up
September 26, 2019
wod 534
Part 1: Death by hang squat clean 95/65 Start with 1 rep the first minute. 2 the second. 3 the third…. continue until you can not finish the reps within the minute. **IF you do not know what a squat clean is, then Rx is also considered a hang power clean + 1 front […]
September 14, 2019
wod 533
AMRAP 12 minutes1 wall walk or Hand stand push up1 power clean 135/951 shoulder to overhead 135/95 Next round, 2 of each… 3, 4…….. until out of time. Score total reps. Wall Walk
September 11, 2019
532 – 9/11/19 wod
For time 100 goblet squats 53/35 kb 100 kb swings 53/35 100 shoulder to overhead 45 lb barbell 43 burpees ——————————– That’s 343 reps. Score time. * if you want a harder workout for 9/11, do this one: 110 burpees 342 double unders 684 singles 75 box step ups + 53/35 kb 24/20 2001m Row […]
September 9, 2019
EMOM 24 minutes Minute 1: row 12/10 calories Minute 2: 30 du or 70 jump rope Minute 3: 15 sit-ups Rx+ 30 minutes
September 5, 2019
wod 530
For time:3 rounds of: 30 push ups 40 alternating reverse lunges +35 lb kb 50 Russian KB swings 53/35 Post total time. Push ups: All the way down. All the way up. Locked elbows. No bending at the hips.Reverse lunge: Hold the kb however you choose. My guess, this will be the most difficult part. […]
August 31, 2019
My version of programming for CrossFit or similar
Posted by jereme
This is a view of my process or personal method for creating workout plans in three month blocks. It’s not…
May 20, 2019
Terms, Acronyms, and some other things.Definitions
Posted by jereme
This page is dedicated to some of the terms we use that may not be common knowledge. Please feel free…
May 20, 2019
Information – back online
Posted by jereme
-Just so you know; there will be broken links, stuff that doesn’t work, things that don’t look great. Let me…
May 19, 2019
How to Warm up
Posted by jereme
What is the best way to warm up? So I am not creating warm ups any more. This is for…