May 26, 2019

Wod 497

For Time:
50 burpees
50 push ups
50 KB squats (right side front rack)
50 KB squats (left side front rack)
50 push ups
50 burpees

Rx weight 53/35 lb kb

I would guess the timeframe to be 15-20 minutes.

KB front rack: This is with the KB in one hand, fist tucked under the chin, elbow tight to the your side. It is absolutely NOT with the KB on your shoulder.

Scaling: Cut weight first. If that’s still not enough, first ask yourself why it isn’t enough….. Ok, it’s not enough if you believe it will take you more than 30 minutes to complete. If this is the case, cut reps to 30 each.

Great example of a KB front squat. Crease of the hip is below the top of the knee, feet are flat on the ground. Fist is tucked under his chin.

May 23, 2019

wod 496

EMOM 30Minute 1: 30 Double Unders or 90 jump ropeMinute 2: 10/8 calories rowingMinute 3: 45 Seconds Plank on elbows Rx+ Minute 3 = 20 seconds max reps clean and jerk 95/65For information what “EMOM” means see ACRONYMS The Rx version is fairly light due to tomorrow being the annual “Murph” challenge. For myself and […]

May 20, 2019

495 First release of V3.0

Wod 495 – First wod on the 3rd version of Code-Wod. For time complete: 50 Reverse Lunge to KB press (25 per side)50 Alternating KB snatch 50 Russian KB swing Rx 35/little red KB Rx+ 53/35 Explanation of movements:Reverse Lunge to press: hold the KB in the “front rack” on the side you’ll step back […]

May 20, 2019

Wod 494 wallball and situps

AMRAP 15 minutes 20 Wallball 20/1420 Abmat situps Originally posted December ’18

May 20, 2019

Wod 493 KB and Jump Rope

For Time: -Count up to 10 1 right arm KB push press 53/351 left arm KB push press20 Double unders or 50 Jump rope2 right KB push press2 left KB push press20 DU/50 JRContinue the patterned until 10 reps per side of KB push press.

May 20, 2019

Wod 492 Front squats and Pull ups

EMOM 20 minutes EMOM 10: Front Squats X 5 reps. EMOM 10: 3-5 Strict pull ups, + 15 squats Choose a challenging but safe weight for the squats. There’s no break between the EMOMs. In the second EMOM both movements are done each minute. Originally posted December ’18

May 20, 2019

Wod 491 Fast Chipper

For time: 1000m Row50 Deadlift 95/6550 push ups25 power cleans 95/65 Rx+ : 135/95 orgininally Posted December ’18


August 31, 2019

My version of programming for CrossFit or similar

Posted by jereme

This is a view of my process or personal method for creating workout plans in three month blocks.  It’s not…

May 20, 2019

Terms, Acronyms, and some other things.Definitions

Posted by jereme

This page is dedicated to some of the terms we use that may not be common knowledge.  Please feel free…

May 20, 2019

Information – back online

Posted by jereme

-Just so you know; there will be broken links, stuff that doesn’t work, things that don’t look great. Let me…

May 19, 2019

How to Warm up

Posted by jereme

What is the best way to warm up?  So I am not creating warm ups any more.  This is for…