July 19, 2019
Workout 515
July 13, 2019
EMOM 24 M1: Row 12/10 M2: 12 alternating reverse lunges +53/35 M3: 10 push ups: 5 strict pull ups. Rx+ 30 minutes
July 10, 2019
Part 1: AMRAP 15m 30 Double unders / 70 jump rope 15 KB swings 53/35 Part 2: EMOM 10 5 back squats at a static weight. Choose a safe but challenging weight. It shouldn’t be easy, but you shouldn’t be dying either. Divide sections as you choose: Personally, I’d do the AMRAP in the AM […]
July 7, 2019
Part 1: Beginning with 95 lbs male, 65lbs female: EMOM for as long as possible: 1 clean and jerk. + 10 lbs. Every minute, add 10lbs. Go as long as you can or until you feel unsafe. Score last successful weight. Part 2: Complete 30 Turkish getups. Weight is dynamic. See video to follow for […]
July 4, 2019
Workout 510
AMRAP 15 minutes 50 situps 10 burpees 50 shoulder to overhead (right arm, 35lb/little red kb) 10 burpees 50 left arm S2OH 10 burpees 50 hang clean and jerk 95/65 10 burpees Situps: Touch the floor behind you, and touch your toes. IF YOUR SHOULDERS are still not past your hips, then you’re cheating. Shoulders […]
July 2, 2019
Workout 509
EMOM 30 Minute 1: 20 squats Minute 2: 5 power cleans at a challenging weight Minute 3: 5 Strict pull ups Minute 4: 10 Knee raises Minute 5: 12/10 calorie row https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVt4uQ0sDJE Pick a tough but safe weight for cleans. Post clean weight if you would like.
August 31, 2019
My version of programming for CrossFit or similar
Posted by jereme
This is a view of my process or personal method for creating workout plans in three month blocks. It’s not…
May 20, 2019
Terms, Acronyms, and some other things.Definitions
Posted by jereme
This page is dedicated to some of the terms we use that may not be common knowledge. Please feel free…
May 20, 2019
Information – back online
Posted by jereme
-Just so you know; there will be broken links, stuff that doesn’t work, things that don’t look great. Let me…
May 19, 2019
How to Warm up
Posted by jereme
What is the best way to warm up? So I am not creating warm ups any more. This is for…