September 5, 2019

wod 530

Author: jereme

For time:
3 rounds of:
30 push ups
40 alternating reverse lunges +35 lb kb
50 Russian KB swings 53/35

Post total time.
Push ups: All the way down. All the way up. Locked elbows. No bending at the hips.
Reverse lunge: Hold the kb however you choose. My guess, this will be the most difficult part. Make sure to lock hips out at the top of the rep. Back knee should touch the ground or be less than 1/2 inch from the ground.
Russian Kb swings: Stop at eye level

*Notice, different kb weights for movements.

Sorry about the spam posts. I posted the link to the page in a large firefighting community and the bots got it.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx 15:30 – hard rides all weekend = no legs…

  2. RX 14:59

  3. 11:42 rx

  4. 14:59 rx push ups suck only workout could be worse would be 100
    Push ups for time