September 14, 2020

Wod 530

Author: jereme

Amrap 10m

10 kb swings 53/35

6 alternating reverse lunges (53/35 kb front rack hold)

Lunges: no holding on the shoulder. Must be held under the chin, top of the chest. Alternate legs. 6 total alternating.

Take all 27-40m of the last wod and cram it into 10 minutes. That’s this. Sweat and tears. I love it when a plan comes together.

Share your thoughts

  1. rx 10 rounds

  2. Rx. 9 rds. Weak.

  3. Rx – 11 rounds

  4. Rx 13 rounds

    • j/k. I tried. Couldn’t hold the thing.

    • 🖕

  5. Rx 12+11

    • lemme get a D
      lemme get a I
      lemme get a C

      LOL Nice job dude

  6. Rx 12 + 10.

  7. 12