September 23, 2020
Wod 533
Author: jereme
For time
2 Rounds for time
50 Russian kb swings 53/35
50 push ups
50 kb sumo deadlift high pull 53 /35
50 alternating reverse lunges (no weight)
Sumo deadlift high pull: using the posterior chain, glutes, hamstrings… wide stance. Kb goes from the ground to handle at chin height. Primary muscles are posterior chain. Secondary are delts and middle back. Google sdlhp if you’re confused. If it seems easy, it is. For like a 20 reps.
says: - 590 comments - September 25, 2020Jacob B = 18:57 – 35kb and modified pushups
Mike T = 16:20 Rx
says: - 582 comments - September 25, 2020Rx 18:05
says: - 363 comments - September 25, 2020Y’all are beasts.
Rx 19:15
Jereme Daniels
says: - 605 comments - September 24, 2020Rx 12:58
says: - 143 comments - September 24, 202014:47