June 10, 2019

Workout 502

Author: jereme

For time:
3 rounds of:
20 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
30 KB swings 53/35
40 double unders
500m Row

Scale for Double Unders:
100 Jump rope (it’s not directly scalable to “two jump ropes”. The extra jump height and speed increase the difficulty of the double under)
You can also scale them to 10 double unders. If you can’t do them, then “doing” them is the only way to learn them.

Push Jerk. PLEASE pay attention to where the bar is overhead. A common error I see is people finishing with the bar basically in front of their face. The completed rep is with the hips locked, elbows locked, knees locked, and your elbows beside your ears.

Time frame: Moving at a solid pace, you can be in the 15 minute range. It’s time to question your scaling choice and or fitness if you cross over into the 25+ minute range.

Share your thoughts

  1. Rx – 17:45 – singles

  2. 6 push ups in the round of 18 So 330 reps if math is right…couple rounds better than expected

  3. 18:48 not better than Teague
    But better than Dustin

  4. 22:27 short dry heaving intermission. Had to drop weight on kettle bells

  5. 18:48 with singles jump rope

  6. 16:32
    100 singles

    • No taco fed?

      • Negative. He vagged out.

  7. 16:08 rx. Gave 100% but didn’t have 100% to give.
    2 rounds unbroken. Last round broke kb up 20/10

  8. 14:24

    • Thank you for just letting us live in your world! Lol