June 16, 2019

Workout 504

Author: jereme

50 alternating reverse lunges
10 burpees
50 squats
10 burpees
50 sit ups
10 burpees

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes. I’m guessing 2.5 rounds. Depends on how much sack you can find I guess.

Things to pay close attention to: These are body weight movements and that makes them subject to crap form. Not only will bad form make you faster, it will decrease the stimulus and you’re a douche.
Lunges: Take a long step back. The biggest error I see in lunges is taking baby steps. It puts your entire body into an awkward position. Step deep. Your knee should touch the ground. At the top, LOCK IT OUT. Stand all the way up.
Squats: Crease of the hips below the top of the knee. Stand up…. Lock it out. Push your hips ALL the way forward. I see a lot of 1/4 rep squats. Not quite all the way down, not quite all the way up.
Burpees: They suck, but have some standards man. Chest touches the ground, lock out hips and clap over head at the top.
Sit-ups: hands and shoulders touch the ground behind you, hands touch you feet at the top. Also, if you have long gorilla arms like me and you can touch your feet, but your shoulders are behind your hips; that doesn’t count. Shoulders past the hips.

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  1. Pingback: 548 amrap – Code-wod
  2. 2 rounds

  3. 2 rounds but didnt time

  4. 2 rounds + 1 rep

  5. 2 rounds

  6. 2+30