AMRAP 12 10 Deadlift 8 Hang clean 6 Shoulder to overhead 4 Clean and Jerk
All weights: 95/65
Deadlift: Don’t hurt yourself. If your back hurts, stop. Drop weight. This is light and we should all be able to handle it.
Hang Clean: the bar does not go below the knees.
Push Jerk/ shoulder to overhead: However you can do this. Strict press, push press, push jerk. BUT make sure at the top of the rep, your elbows are locked out. Be certain your elbows are beside your ears and the barbell is directly over your head.
Power Clean & Push Jerk: stop if it hurts. Same thing applies here as to push jerk. Head between elbows, elbows locked out.
says: - 3 comments - June 28, 20195 rounds 7 reps
says: - 138 comments - June 28, 2019Rx 5 + 14
says: - 582 comments - June 27, 20197 rounds 21 reps
says: - 2 comments - June 27, 20196 + 20
says: - 605 comments - June 27, 20199 rounds 18 reps rx
Mike T
says: - 590 comments - June 26, 2019Rx – 6 rds and 19 reps (187 total reps)
says: - 103 comments - June 26, 2019Amy
Only used 45 lbs bar
7 full rounds and 18